Conserving Water
Water Conservation
Houston is the largest city in Texas, home to 2.6 million residents as of 2023. Houston Public Works is also a regional water provider, supplying an additional 2.9 million people outside the city limits, bringing the total population served to 5.5 million.
Conserving water goes beyond saving money, it ensures clean water for generations to come. Houston Water’s Conservation team offers tools, programs, and resources to help customers conserve one of our most precious resources – water.
All conservation and efficiency measures are aimed at reducing water use. This decreases the demand on our water treatment plants and extends the life of our water supplies.
Current Watering Restrictions: NONE
In the event of a drought, water shortage, or other emergency, conservation staff implements the measures outlined in the City’s Drought Contingency Plan to help manage water use and reduce demand on our water systems.
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City of Houston Code of Ordinances: Water Shortages
Chapter 47, Article VII of the City of Houston’s Code of Ordinances “Water Shortages” outlines regulations for managing water shortages during droughts or emergencies. These rules establish drought stages, restrictions, and enforcement measures to ensure a reliable water supply and protect the city’s infrastructure.
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Press Release:
City of Houston Rescinds Stage One of the Drought Contingency Plan Effective May 29, 2024. Houston Public Works expresses gratitude to the community for their cooperation and commitment to water conservation. By working together, we can ensure a reliable and resilient water supply for our city now and in the
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