Johana Clark, Acting Director
Transportation & Drainage Operations is a service line of Houston Public Works streets and drainage for the city under the leadership of Johana Clark. Transportation & Drainage Operations creates a strong foundation for Houston to thrive by delivering safe and efficient travel into and around Houston. Our work includes streets, bridges, and stormwater drainage.
671 square miles across Houston
16,000 lane miles of streets (the distance between Houston and Tokyo and back)
Over 1 million traffic signs
2,500 traffic signals
1,371 bridges
1,450 school zone flashing signs
4,500 miles of sidewalks
3,900 miles of stormwater lines
250,000 approx. related stormwater infrastructure – (manholes, inlets, other)
33 street underpass high water warning devices (14 w/pump stations)
2,800 miles of roadside ditches
35 storm water detention basins
Transportation & Drainage Operations is compiled of six Service Delivery Teams:
Houston Transtar
Houston TranStar is a unique partnership of representatives from the City of Houston, Harris County, METRO and TxDOT who share resources and exchange information under one roof to keep motorists informed, roadways clear and lives safe in the fourth most populated city in the United States.
Stormwater Operations
Stormwater Operations handles the daily maintenance and improvements for the City’s drainage system.
Multimodal Safety and Design
The team handles various functions related to system planning & design, including the Houston bicycle network, as well as development of transportation projects and general urban design.
Support Services
Support Services handles 311 request data and ensures requests make it to the proper team to address
Project Delivery
Project Delivery is responsible for Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), Traffic Signals, Intersection Safety, Council District Service Funds (CDSF) projects, Sidewalks, Bikeways, Street Rehabilitation, and Interagency coordination.
Traffic, Street and Bridge Maintenance
Traffic, Street, and Bridge Maintenance is responsible for keeping the road network across Houston safe and passable.