Stormwater Operations
The Stormwater Operations Branch (SWOB) oversees the daily performance of Houston’s critical drainage infrastructure delivering results through maintenance and rehabilitation projects in a timely and cost-effective manner for the community. The Branch provides planning, engineering & project management support services. Infrastructure supported includes storm sewer systems, roadside & off-road ditches, detention basins and stormwater pump stations. Stormwater Operations leads the implementation of green infrastructure in the City’s right-of-way and other sustainable & resilient practices in alignment with Resilient Houston and the Climate Action Plan. The community can report drainage related problems at the City’s 311 Help Line.
Johana E. Clark, P.E., P.T.O.E., ENV SP - Senior Assistant Director
- Stay informed About Improvement Projects: Houston Public Works
- Multi-Use Pak Facilities – A Guide to Applying Drainage Mitigation in Parks
- How Can the Community Help Maintaining the City’s Drainage Infrastructure?
- Adopt A Drain Program – residents can help prevent flooding and save taxpayer’s dollars by keeping our neighborhood storm drains clean! www.houstonadoptadrain.org
- 5 Things to Know about Roadside Ditches (English, Spanish)
- City of Houston GIS Portal (asset, project data, reference data):
- Resilient Houston and Climate Action Plan
- Roadside Ditch Re-establishment Program
- Stormwater Master Plan (SWMP)