Drainage Rehabilitation
Stormwater Operations Branch manages rehabilitation programs to extend the service life of drainage infrastructure assets in the city. These initiatives include the Local Drainage Program (LDP) and the Stormwater Action Team (SWAT).
Storm Water Action Team (SWAT)
SWAT was established in 2017 after Hurricane Harvey with the goal to reduce localized drainage problems not directly subject to riverine/bayou overbank flooding. SWAT is tasked with providing upgrades to existing drainage systems to provide acceptable levels of service during normal rain events. Drainage issues are typically reported by Council Districts to the SWAT team who subsequently screens the locations and makes project recommendations. SWAT projects’ scope may include storm sewer & outfall replacements, upsizing of storm inlets, lines and leads, roadway curbs & gutters restoration, roadside re-establishment, off-road ditch and detention pond clearing & grubbing, regrading, erosion control, etc., and small-scale drainage analysis & studies. SWAT funding is allocated every fiscal year (July to June) to be evenly utilized by all Council Districts. Projects typically have a 12-18-month turnaround.
SWAT Project List Updated November 2024
Muhammad “Umer” Khan, P.E., CFM, ENV SP - Managing Engineer
Local Drainage Program (LDP)
LDP was established to address drainage infrastructure maintenance & rehabilitation that exceed internal maintenance capabilities. LDP is tasked with providing upgrades to existing drainage systems to provide acceptable levels of service during normal rain events. Locations are primarily nominated by maintenance sections when the scope of work exceeds maintenance capabilities and/or high-level maintenance/rehabilitation is required. LDP scope may include storm sewer & outfall replacements, upsizing inlets, storm lines and leads, roadway curbs & gutters restoration, roadside re-establishment, off-road ditch and detention pond clearing & grubbing, regrading, erosion control, etc. LDP funding is allocated every fiscal year (June to July) to be utilized Citywide. Projects typically have a 12-18-month turnaround.
Local Drainage Project List Updated January 2025
Street & Drainage Rehabilitation
Stormwater Operations leads the design and construction of comprehensive rehabilitation projects that include upgrades to transportation and drainage infrastructure including pavement resurfacing, overlays, upgrades to enclosed and open drainage systems, curb & gutter adjustments to reduce/eliminate ponding, installation and/or repair of sidewalks and other pedestrian and bicycle facilities, among others. The objective of these rehabilitation projects is to extend the service life of the public transportation & drainage infrastructure delivered as a whole versus providing solutions to isolated challenges. Projects may incorporate green stormwater infrastructure when feasible and beneficial.
Lagnesh Varshney, P.E. - Managing Engineer
See all Drainage Rehabilitation Projects at the City’s GIS Portal: COH GIS Public Portal