Transportation Programs
Traffic Signals
Facilitates the design and construction of traffic signal rebuilds, new traffic signal installations, or traffic signal modifications to existing signal facilities.
Intersection Safety
Facilitates the design and construction of intersection safety improvements including pedestrian realm reconfigurations, median modifications, geometric improvements, and signing and pavement marking improvements.
Active Transportation
- Sidewalks – Facilitates the design and construction of new sidewalks and ramps along streets leading to schools, major thoroughfares, and along identified accessibility routes. The sidewalks program, in partnership with the Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities, receives and review applications through the Pedestrian Accessibility Review (PAR) Program. The Pedestrian Accessibility Program seeks to improve accessibility to sidewalks and ramps for people with disabilities.
- Bikeways – Facilitates the design and construction of bikeways. This includes bike lane improvements, signage, pavement markings and modifying the roadway to accommodate bike lane facilities.
Intelligent Transportation Systems
The integration of advanced technologies into transportation infrastructure to improve safety, efficiency, and mobility. This team oversees the planning, design, construction, and integration of Intelligent Transportation Systems projects. These include Bluetooth devices, Ethernet switches / routers, fiber optic cables, CCTV cameras, mid-block counters, Dynamic Messaging Signs, enhanced detection devices, and more. Utilization of Intelligent Transportation Systems technologies help cut down delays and stops at intersections, controlling speeds and reducing travel time.
Common Requests
Concerns or suggestions can be submitted to 311 (https://www.houstontx.gov/311/) or emailed directly to [email protected]
The City of Houston follows the warrant criteria established by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to investigate the need for a new traffic signal. If an intersection can benefit from a traffic signal control, you can submit the request to 311 (https://www.houstontx.gov/311/)
You can find information about the Houston Bike Plan here: https://houstonbikeplan.org/. You can email [email protected] to request a new bicycle facility.
Houston Public Works constructs a limited number of new sidewalks and ramp annually. Here’s the link, https://www.publicworks.houstontx.gov/sidewalk-program, to apply for a new sidewalk or ramp.
Colin J. Lupold, P.E., PTOE, Managing Engineer