The Luce Bayou watershed is located in the northeast portion of the City of Houston. Over 95% of the watershed is located outside of City limits, instead falling predominantly within the City of Huffman. It is bounded by the San Jacinto watershed on three sides. Terrain in the watershed is generally flat with Luce Bayou draining southwest to East Fork of the San Jacinto River. The watershed within City limits is mostly developed, consisting primarily of small-lot, single-family residences. Pockets of commercial development and open space can be found throughout the watershed.
Modeling results indicate that Luce Bayou contributes to flooding of the northern portion of the watershed. Starting in the 10-year event, the bayou overtops and causes widespread flooding of nearby structures and infrastructure. Downstream of Huffman Cleveland Road, Luce Bayou is contained for all modeled storm events.
Beyond the flood risk associated with Luce Bayou, a couple of neighborhoods were shown to experience flooding caused by insufficient local infrastructure. The Lake Houston subdivision does not experience flooding in frequent events; however, depths reach up to 6 feet in the 500-year event as the roadside ditch system is unable to contain flow. Similarly, commercial development in the southern portion of the watershed is impacted by the 100-year and 500-year event as the roadside ditch capacity is insufficient for the larger storms.