The Hunting Bayou watershed is located in the northeast portion of the City of Houston. Most of the watershed is located within City of Houston limits, with the remainder falling in the cities of Galena Park and Jacinto City. It is bounded by Greens Bayou to the north, White Oak Bayou to the west, and Buffalo Bayou to the south. Terrain in the watershed is generally flat with Hunting Bayou draining southeast to the Houston Ship Channel. The watershed within City limits is mostly developed, consisting primarily of small-lot, single-family residences. Pockets of commercial land use exist in the middle of the watershed and some undeveloped area exists in the southeast portion of the watershed.
Modeling results indicate that flooding along Hunting Bayou is seen in events as small as the 5-year event; however, widespread flooding is not seen until the 100-year event. During these larger storm events, structural flooding can be seen along the entire length of the bayou as well as in nearby neighborhoods due to storm sewer networks surcharging from the Hunting Bayou tailwater.
Beyond the flood risk associated with Hunting Bayou, several neighborhoods throughout the watershed experience flooding during frequent events. Dunvegan Way, Settegast, and industrial area between IH-610 and McCarty street experience flooding in events as frequent as the 2-year storm due to insufficient roadside ditch and storm sewer capacity. Many other areas and neighborhoods throughout the watershed experience frequent flooding due to insufficient capacity of local channels.