Houston Public Works Press Release

Houston Public Works Addresses Meter Device Replacements

May 10, 2023

Houston, Texas – Houston Public Works (HPW) is aware that some customers received high water bills after their meter reading devices were replaced.

Over the last several weeks, HPW installed new meter reading devices in neighborhoods where the previous ones were not working properly. The old devices led to some accounts being estimated and charged incorrectly. Moving forward, bills will be generated based on actual readings.

“We apologize for the stress and confusion among customers who received these bills,” said Houston Public Works Director, Carol Haddock. “I want to reassure our customers that we are working proactively to directly contact those who have been impacted, and the department will make appropriate corrections to these accounts.”

HPW is currently operating under a City Council approved program to replace the meter reading devices in specific areas of the city where failure of the devices have occurred. This is not a city-wide issue. 

Again, HPW regrets the inconvenience this has caused to customers affected by this change. These customers will be notified once their accounts are corrected and will not incur late fees or experience service interruptions.

There is no action required by the customers, and they will be notified within five business days. If you have questions or believe you have been incorrectly charged, please reach out to the Customer Account Services team at 713.371.1400.

Houston Public Works (www.HoustonPublicWorks.org) is the largest and most diverse public works organization in the country, responsible for creating a strong foundation for Houston to thrive. Houston Public Works is responsible for streets and drainage, production and distribution of water, collection, and treatment of wastewater, and permitting and regulation of public and private construction covering a 671-square mile service area. Houston Public Works is accredited by the American Public Works Association.
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Media Contact

  • Erin Jones | Acting Communications Director
  • Public Information Officer
  • 611 Walker St., Houston TX 77002
  • 713.853.6073
  • Erin.Jones@houstontx.gov
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